Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Today, for the fourth day of high school, we got four new kids in our class.  I already knew two of the four kids that joined, so that was fine with me.  In class, Mr. Schick said we were the only class that turned in all of our blogs so we got amazing donuts.  I also tried setting up my email but I have no clue what my password is for my email.  It’s supposed to be my password from school but it keeps saying that I entered a new, different password.  All four of the new kids had the same problem as me.  They didn't know where to even begin so we had to get out a piece of paper to help us.  My computer hides all of these sites to where you have to open all of these different pages to get to them.  Even when I find it and try to log in, it says that an unencrypted error in the computer has occurred.  That's about it for what we did in class today.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Third Day of High School

My third day of school has been the most interesting so far.  It feels like i'm a high school student now that I'm getting homework.  Today in Mr. Schicks' class he told us about a little essay called "A Message to Garcia".  It was written back in the late 1800s.  The story was about the women named Garcia, who went missing for quite some time.  President McKinley asked for any person who would be willing to find her. His colleague spoke of a man named Rowen.  He told president McKinley about this man and how he could find anyone with no questions asked.  Once they found this man, he set off that very night to find this women.  After a week of no response, he comes back and says that he has found her and that the message had been delivered.  Then we learned that Rowen did it with no help and no questions asked.  He did it all by himself with no help and no lead to where Garcia could have been.  After that we learned that you won't be able to get anywhere in life if you keep asking for help.  You need to do the thing you are asked, and do it without question or any help from any of your friends.  I think that this is a great lesson to learn.  Especially for someone who has just found a job and they wanted to get an even better one for the future.          

Monday, August 27, 2012

Second Day of School

       This paragraph will talk about my second say in class.  Today we learned about the syllabus.  We were assigned seats and learned what would happen if we turned something in late.  We were shown how the grades were put in and how long we had until they became a 0.   Even when we did turn them in we still got a 0 for our paper.  While in the middle of class, I noticed on Mr. Schick’s computer he had a yellow dubmarine sticker.  I thought that was pretty cool, considering that I’m a huge Beatles fan.  It’s the beginning of the school year and nice Mr. Schick is letting us get off to a good start to begin the school year.  I’m getting a little off topic but I’m glad Mr.Schick is starting off slowly, to let us get a better grip on how to get into the flow of high school.  We can better prepare ourselves for college and how to have homework every day.   Even after everything people have said, I still think I’m going to have an excellent year.         

Saturday, August 25, 2012

My First Day of School

                My first day of school was filled with mixed feelings of curiosity, excitement, and fear.  The first day of high school is taking a new step in your life.  You can meet people from all around the world.  For my first day I met all kinds of new and different people.  The teachers are incredible and very persuasive.  The teachers said if you don’t turn in your homework it will stay a zero until you put it in my hand.  My parents told me that on the first day of school you should go over to someone who is sitting by themselves and ask them to sit with you.  I also tried going around and just starting a conversation with someone.  I would start off with, what kind of sports do you play or what’s your favorite class.  It’s also fun to ask people where there from and what they do for fun.   I know it’s going to be hard to get into the flow of school but all of my neighbors keep telling me if you remember to write down your homework and take matters into your own hands you should be fine.  I think high schools going to be a new and fantastic adventure for me.