Monday, December 10, 2012

Kohe, My New Japanese Friend

Today was fun but even better because I finally got a shadow.  No, not because of my grades but because of how my schedule is made.  So when I first met him, he was shy, then again why wouldn't he be.  His name is Kohe.  He seems like an amazing dude, I just need to use Google translate more.  I didn't really think of that today but tomorrow i'll use it on my phone and computer to get to know him a little better.  At the end of the day he gave me an awesome pen, a little pocket calculator and a high-tech book mark.  Apparently I was one of the few that got gifts and most people only got one thing.  So when I got to Human Geo I hadn't really got to know him very well, all I knew was that His name was Kohe and he played table-tennis.  I wish I had gotten to know him a little better, because of all the gifts he got me I kind of feel bad that I hadn't gotten to learn more about him. In Human Geo today we went along with our projects.  For my group, we finally got a product but I don't really think we can get 10 slides off of it. I'll hope for the best.   

Sunday, December 9, 2012

4 Interesting Words

Capitalism- is an economic system that is based on private ownership of the means of production and the production of goods or services for profit.  Profit is how people make money.  

Communism- a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.  Classless-  

Free Enterprise- An economic system where few restrictions are placed on business activities and ownership. In this system, governments generally have minimal ownership of enterprises in the market place. This system aims for limited restrictions on and minimal government intervention.  

Free Market- An economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I Can't Remember Anything

Today in human geo we did absolutely nothing.  I don't know if we did do something important but I can't remember a thing.  Because I can't remember anything, which usually never happens I’ll go to talk about the rest of the day.  For science Mr. Perry gave us a test but it was open note.  Because it open note you're allowed to make it harder but the questions on this test were ridiculous.  Some of the stuff on that test, I've never even heard of.  Yes I read the textbook and no I didn't understand 80% of the questions.  Even the smartest kids in the class said the test was outrageously unthinkable.  Why make it open note when you don't have any notes.  I studied for the test with a week of preparation and at the end of this test I didn't have to be an ingeniousness to know I failed.  Now all I have to do is get good grades on the brain flexes.  F.Y.I I’ll make sure to take better notes on Friday. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

China and Their Cars

Today in human geo we continued on the cars in china.  We even watched over the old video.  Even though we've already seen it, we watched it for the second time. But I forgot to mention that at the beginning of the class Doori told three kids in the class about what we did yesterday.  After Doori explained what we did we talked about the Lilan.  I forgot what the car company was so I tried guessing.  We as a class refer to the owner as “Duck Face”.  This duck faced man supposedly stole from ford to use them for his own good.  3/4 of the cars in china will be American companies created in china by next year.  China has taken American companies, copied them and made everything cheaper, which makes the American store that was copied, go out of business.  This has happened several times.  For an example, China is the world’s leading steal company, when originally; Pittsburgh was the leading steal business.  Because of the business that’ how the Stealers got their name.  A strong metal that’s unbreakable to human hand.

Monday, December 3, 2012

China V.S. America

To start off class we continued to watch the video but we are now on part 3.  In part three it talked about bridges in China vs. the bridges in the U.S.  Apparently the bridges in China takes three years to dig then build.  Where in the U.S. it might take one week.  In China there is a demand in jobs so it was decided that they let them build the bridges and tunnels.  Where in America they just us c4 to blow things up.  Which I personally think is way better.  But you have to be very careful where and how much c4 they use.  If they use too much, they can destroy the tunnel.  Another big problem is the cars in China.  There are over 400 crashes every day.  Mr. Schick asked us if we wanted any chicken feet to eat.  I've eaten bull testicles before so chicken feet won't be a problem.