Monday, December 3, 2012

China V.S. America

To start off class we continued to watch the video but we are now on part 3.  In part three it talked about bridges in China vs. the bridges in the U.S.  Apparently the bridges in China takes three years to dig then build.  Where in the U.S. it might take one week.  In China there is a demand in jobs so it was decided that they let them build the bridges and tunnels.  Where in America they just us c4 to blow things up.  Which I personally think is way better.  But you have to be very careful where and how much c4 they use.  If they use too much, they can destroy the tunnel.  Another big problem is the cars in China.  There are over 400 crashes every day.  Mr. Schick asked us if we wanted any chicken feet to eat.  I've eaten bull testicles before so chicken feet won't be a problem. 

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