Monday, September 17, 2012

Important facts about our world

Today in class Mr. Schick told us how he had planned this to be the most boring class we’ve ever had.  He made a little presentation on all the important facts we can use in the future.  For instance there are over 7 billion people in the world.  There are over 22 million babies born each year.  It took over 10,000 years to get the first billion and eventually it only takes 12 years for a billion people to be born.  Now because of the overload of babies, all over the world people have cut back on making themselves pretty and smelling nice.  Now it will be another 12 years sense one has already gone by to get to 8 billion people on Earth.  The life expectancy for men and women in the U.S. is 76.05 for men and 81.05 for women.  The TFR for an average women is 2.1 babies, what this means is if a women has over 2.1 the population rises and if  a women has less than 2.1 the population decreases in which some ways could be good.  The TFR in U.S. is 2.06, in Nigeria its 5.38, and last but not least Japan with the TFR of 1.39.  It’s amazing how the country that is having so many problems is having 5 babies per women.  If anything they should not be worrying about babies.

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