Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Story Time

Today for class we did absolutely nothing but stories   Back and forth were just stories our class mates told. The only interesting ones were the ones that Mr. Schick told.  I can't quite remember the stories at the moment but I’ll remember them later when my blog is complete.  We watched more about the sassy lady losing her job and more about the companies in China V.S. the companies in America.  I seriously doubt I'm going to get 150 words on this but I’ll give it a shot.  We watched more of the video and one of the Chinese girls were talking about how people in the U.S. have the same job but they still get paid more.  To finish up I'm going to talk about the stuff above this so I can get to 150 words.  This video has already covered four classes and still has time left.  Also i forgot to mention the first time we started to watch the has a cool beginning.  

Monday, November 26, 2012

Gerry/Jerry Sandusky

To start off our Human Geo class today we started talking about Gerry Sandusky coming to our school.  He’s going to talk to us and after he tells us what has happened every sense Jerry Sandusky got arrested for rape.  We’re supposed to think of a smart and intelligent question for Gerry.  If we actually get up to the microphone and ask a serious question we get 10 points.  Then we got into serious terms and started on a movie called “The People Republic of Capitalism Part 1”.  This video talked about how China and the U.S. are related and why they are completely different.  For one, the people in china get paid so little for back breaking work where here in the U.S. we get paid 7 dollars for the same amount of work and the same amount of time.  Even in china they are opening shops that came from America.  For an example they opened a KFC, an Ethan Allen, and a Ford company.  After talking about the shopping and how everything is overpriced in China we moved on to the earthquake.  Over 55,000 people died because of the earthquake and how most of the deaths were from kids.  Now, if you’re a Chinese couple and you are without a healthy child you can try again.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Enormous Project

Yesterday was just like any other day but it was serious. We were assigned a project that could either increase our grade or totally dominate it.  I thought that if i worked alone, i wouldn't have to struggle of going to a friends house.  Also it would all sounds like I wrote it.  Other then that, we had a new shadow and no she didn't get attacked by a shark or get arrested.  But when we asked the about the arresting part, she kinda froze up..sneaky sneaky. The things is that the project seems easy if you choose the right place but if you don't then you're dead.  A kid in my class made a good point, what if you choose two countries that were interaction even today, and what does the U.S. help with it. It was between Iran, Israel  and the U.S., i know he's probably already going to do that so i'll probably have to find something else.  

Monday, November 12, 2012

Checking The Test and Getting Side Tracked

To start off, today was just a study and review day.  We went over the quiz, which I thought I thought i did okay on, turned out to be horrible.  We answer the questions, but there was one question that got us completely side tracked.  I think it was about Hamid Karzi.  We got into studying about Cuba and how we stopped sending and buying trade from them.  We also started talking about the nukes and how this place would bomb that place, and if that place bombed there then the United States would have to get involved.  Talking about nukes got us into stories about Mr. Schick being little and the alarms going off, and no one knew if it was fake or real.  They would go to the basement and duck their heads and waited like that for several hours.  Then we got sidetracked again to take about the new movie, "Red Dawn".  I can already tell that I'm going to love that movie.  It’s got action and a lot of famous actors.  So like I said, today wasn't a fun happy day, but a least now I know more about the world.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Today for human geo was just every other regular day except we got a little surprise from Mr. Schick.  He gave us a pop quiz but I feel that i did pretty well considering that i was one of the few that aced the quiz before.  While everyone was freaking out about this new quiz I took the time to study the notes on the leaders.  I wasn't expecting there to be a part about the facts on the leaders so i had to look over that.  I know i got a few wrong by looking at my notes after the quiz but i'll find out my grade next Monday.  Who knows, maybe i'll get two rings in a row.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Just An Average Day

Today was an okay day, but not as fun as yesterday.  To start off the class we all tried switching seats, but we failed and all had to return to our original seats.  We started to work on the powerful leaders but without using the blown up beach ball.  I'm still waiting for my email from my partner to finish my old blog about the leaders and the two interesting facts about them.  Though the good thing is that, Mr. Schick said if we wanted too we could switch and go where we wanted.  I was waiting for the speech that all the teachers give when you change seats, "Sit where you will learn and not just to talk." But Mr. Schick didn't do that, he just said we could change seats tomorrow.  We didn't do that much today but I still got enough info to create my blog.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It's Opposite Day

Today was an amazing day in human geo, or at least it was for me.  Today, I got m y first 100 in the year.  It was surprising because only a few kids got in the 90's.  The weirdest part was when I of all people got a hundred.  Maybe that's why people tell you to listen and then study....after you listen.  After we handed back the quiz Mr. Schick pulled out his magic globe and we tried to play a little game.  We would answer the question and give the country name, leader and some facts about the leader, then try to find it on a beach ball globe.At first, one of the kids in the class couldn't pronounce the word to go to the bathroom. Then after he couldn't even find it on the globe.  His shadow did it in three seconds.  Then some more people went by and answered questions, then it came to me.  I got to find three places, and found 2/3 but got Maheer to help me on the third one.  I got to do the US, Vietnam, and Spain.  Then Mr. Schick asked me where the world was.  
I got a good laugh out of it.  Over all today was an amazing day.