Monday, November 12, 2012

Checking The Test and Getting Side Tracked

To start off, today was just a study and review day.  We went over the quiz, which I thought I thought i did okay on, turned out to be horrible.  We answer the questions, but there was one question that got us completely side tracked.  I think it was about Hamid Karzi.  We got into studying about Cuba and how we stopped sending and buying trade from them.  We also started talking about the nukes and how this place would bomb that place, and if that place bombed there then the United States would have to get involved.  Talking about nukes got us into stories about Mr. Schick being little and the alarms going off, and no one knew if it was fake or real.  They would go to the basement and duck their heads and waited like that for several hours.  Then we got sidetracked again to take about the new movie, "Red Dawn".  I can already tell that I'm going to love that movie.  It’s got action and a lot of famous actors.  So like I said, today wasn't a fun happy day, but a least now I know more about the world.

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