Saturday, October 27, 2012

Important People
Constitution:  Federal Republic
President: Felipe Calderon
Constitution: Communist State
President: Hu Jinto
Constitution: Federal Republic
President: Pranab Mukherjee

File:Hamid Karzai 2004-06-14.jpg

Constitution: Islamic Republic
President: Hamid Karzi

Constitution: Theocratic Republic
President: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Constitution: Parliamentary Democracy
President: Shimon Peres
File:2011 Joachim Gauck-2.jpgGermany
Constitution: Federal Republic
President:  Joachim Gauck Kingdom
Constitution: Constitutional Monarchy and Commonwealth realm
Ruler: Queen Elizabeth

File:François Hollande Journées de Nantes.jpg
Constitution: Republic

President: Francis Hollande Journees de Nantes
Constitution: Federal Republic
President: Dilma Rossef

File:Hugo Chávez crop.jpgVenezuela
Constitution: Federal Republic
President: Hugo Chavez
Saudi Arabia
Constitution: Monarchy
President: Abdula

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Review For The Quiz

Today was an amazing day in human geo.  To start off we went through all the stuff we were going to cover. We started by asking the questions we wanted on the test.  I got to ask the questions which I thought were pretty good.  I put in one hard one, but other people also added some questions were you have to actually look it up.  There was a kid who got bitten by a shark, and we named him shark boy.  After that, a girl in our class laughed so hard at some of the comments that she started to actually cry.  Mr. Schick even had to get tissues for her.  She laughed so hard that she cried three times total in the entire class.  Once she stopped crying we got back to asking questions and answering most of them.  There was one kid who kept asking Mr. Schick about River Monsters, he eventually answered him with a big no.  

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Hinduism and Judaism

Yesterday in class Mr. Schick pointed out there were a couple things wrong about the Hinduism.  The only way he knew about this was because of another class mate.  The kid’s mother actually learns Hinduism and follows their tradition.  Apparently Hinduism is very hard to learn for outsiders.  Hindus learn it easily because they always use their religion and know it by heart.  But for someone, supposedly a Christian trying to learn about Hinduism or even to convert is very tricky.  After we finished the Hinduism section we went on to learn about Judaism and how it dated back to Isaac and Abraham.  We started to talk about how Abraham was told by God to kill his son Isaac.  Just before he was going to do it, angels came down and said to stop before Abraham actually does kill his son.  Instead he saw a nearby ram stuck in the bush and killed that instead.  Then we learned that the Mecca and Medina are holy for Jewish people.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Some Notes From Last Class

To start off I’m going to fill in all the information I didn’t yesterday.  United States and Switzerland have peacefully merged multiple ethnic groups in their countries.  There is five major religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islamic.  Christianity back then used to have cults, and they were not supposed to be Christian in Rome.  The Romans persecuted almost all the Christians they saw while in Roman territory.  Saul was one of the worst of them all.  He would kill Christians just to have fun.  While Saul was riding on his horse God stuck him down and blinded the man.  He then asked, “Why do you kill so many of my people”.  Saul repented and pleaded for forgiveness.  God then granted him to see and he went and changed his name to Paul and told everyone about him experience in the desert.  After that we talked about the Buddhists and about their 4 noble beliefs.  If you follow the 4 noble beliefs you would become one with everything.  Today in class Mr. Schick got mad at Nick and the phone rang and he said, “I hope that’s you leaving”.  The funny thing was that the call actually was for Nick.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Jesus And The President

 Today for class, we saw a power point that had a ton of facts we copied down.  Even though I forgot my notebook I'm going to try to remember some notes I took while in class.  To start off, my friend asked Mr. Schick to give me information on how to get a date.  So then, Mr. Schick asked the class if any ladies wanted to go homecoming with me.  A girl across from me raised her hand as a joke.  After that we started the power point and the first we started talking about past important people.  One of the following was the President and Jesus.  We learned that the president earns 500k every year.  Mitt Romney receives over 2 Billion. After the president and some other facts we started to talk about Jesus.  Also my other notes will be on my next blog for future quizzes.  When we started to talk about Jesus and it got sidetracked into funny movie about Jesus.  Mr. Schick told us about a part in the movie with Moses coming down from the mountain with the three Blocks with the 15 commandments.  Then he drops it and said, “10 commandments”.  Hah, I thought that was hilarious.  So tomorrow I will put down my notes that I forgot and the blog for tomorrow, if we have class.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Christianity was started around 30 A.D. and founded in Palestine.  Christianity is a monotheism religion.  Of course, this holy book is called “The Bible”.  There are 2 billion+ people that are in the Christianity faith.  The central figure in Christianity is the Pope.  The USA and Brazil have the most Christian people living there currently.

The Islamic religion was founded in 632 A.D., in Mecca.  Islamic is monotheism, because they believe in one God.  There are 1.57 billion Islamic People living today.  The central figure in Islamic belief is Allah.  The main geographical concentration is in Africa and Middle East.

 Buddhism was founded in 460 B.C.  Under a Bodhi tree.  Buddhism is neither, monotheism or polytheism.  Buddhism again does not have a holy book.  There are 230 to 500 million Buddhists around the globe.  The central figure is Buddha, the fat and jolly guy you see meditating. Tibet has the most Buddhists in that area.  Hinduism was founded in 1500-500 BC.

  Hinduism was founded by an institution of Seven Sages called Saptarishis.  Hinduism is a monotheism religion.  There is only one truly main book.  That’s called the Vedas.  There are over 1 billion people in Hinduism.  Hinduism doesn’t really have a main God that they worship, it’s a cluster or different Gods doing different tasks.  There are 700 million Hinduism in the entire world.
Judaism was founded in Israel over 3500 years ago. The largest Jewish population is found in the United States and in Israel. It was founded in the land of Israel.  Today it is the smallest monotheistic religion in the world.  They have the Torah.  The total population is over 13.4 million.  Abraham, Moses, Isaac, Jacob are the ones are the central figures. In 2001, 8.3 million Jews lived in the Diaspora and 4.9 million lived in Israel. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cultural Characteristics

Today for Human Geo we finished the presentations.  After we presented our projects and everyone told a little about their side or the information we went on to learn about Social Studies.  That might not make sense but were learning more Social information than we did last week or the week before that.  We started to talk about Cultural Characteristics.  First we started to talk about the three separate parts.  There is language, religion, ethnic heritage.  First we started to talk about language and how Arabic people unite with Arabic world.  Spanish people unite the Hispanic world.  After that we talked about their religion.  I really didn't get to copy any of that down but it on the site so I’ll look it up later.  Lastly we talked about Ethnic Heritage.  When the high leaders die off, the different groups fought an extremely bloody war.  Now I get to go online and study the notes Mr. Schick gave us for the quiz or test on Friday, or I think it’s on Friday.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How Could You Mess Up That Bad

Today for Human Geo was pretty much a normal day.  When we walked in, we had to fix a little spelling for our project, so we could present it.  Even after we fixed the simple stuff, we found that the person creating the project didn't even capitalize anything.  At the begging of the sentence or even America, he just wrote it.  You could tell he didn't even look at it after he was done.  Because of him, our grades will go down too.  Next time we have project, I’ll be the one creating and editing the project.  I think we were the group who finished just in time as the bell rang.  After that Mr. Schick told us that we were going to have a test on these topics.  He also caught one kid messing around on his computer.  That’s pretty much what happened in Human Geo today.  To add some extra words I’m going to tell you (my readers) about how I get to help the STEM program later tonight for 5 hours.  On the good side I get to drive my robot.  Doing that also helps me in robotics club, only because the controls are reversed and it takes a while to get used to.       

Monday, October 8, 2012

Columbus, Group Project

To start off the day, we all got our quizzes back and reviewed the answers for future tests.  After we looked at our quizzes and checked our work Mr. Schick told us that every day we have to do our blogs.  Even if it’s Friday, you still have until Saturday to get it in.  After that we looked at some blogs that were perfect examples for our blogs.  Mr. Schick was trying to show us how long, and how descriptive our blogs should be.  Alex Kauffman wrote about how someone had written “Mason eats small puppies”, and put it in his blog.  That comment made me laugh so hard when I saw it.  Only because he added that in his blog, made me laugh so hard.  Just the fact that something as stupid as that made it all the way to the next class and for someone to actually write about it is even better.  I kind of wonder in other people put that into their blogs too.  After we stopped laughing about the comment we were assigned groups of three and each given a topic.   The group I was in was about Columbus.  My question was simple; it was “how did they get there”.  Because it was a simple question I got multiple things out of it.  I believe my group finished before the bell rang, or at least I hope so.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Again With The Posting

Today in Human Geo wasn't as active or exciting.  Today we fixed whatever needed to be fixed for the online site.  After I fixed my name and changed what we needed to change again there was one anonymous person writing messages.  Because of my luck, of course it was about me.  First it was funny, just like yesterday but after a while it really got boring.  They started off with "Mason eats babies and puppies".  After that and many more comments I would just delete whatever they said.  Even after that they still didn't get the message that I was mad.  So they continued with the comments.  Some were funny and some were old, annoying, and stupid. Every time I looked up at Mr. Schick they would post something new that I had to go and delete.  Other than that being really annoying, I learned that John, one of the lost boys wanted 6,000$ to come and speak to John Carroll.  Yes, that is a lot but he’s only doing it to support his cause and raise money for foundation.  If I could I would love to help but I have no clue how to get 6,000$. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Live Chat Stinks

Today in class we worked in a group of four to five.  We put together the sites we looked up the night before and put them on a page.  The annoying thing about this page was everyone was deleting everyone’s sites.  For me they put like “Mason Lipford, likes eating small puppies”.  Ya, that one was funny, but some of the comments were really insulting too.  After maybe a minute at most I started to get fed up with people keep deleting my name and adding things to it.  Anyone could tell most people were annoyed with what some people were doing.  After that Mr. Schick told everyone to stop deleting other people’s things and just get your own site down and write your name on it.  Even after that people still deleted my name.  So after everyone wrote all their information down and put the sites with it the bell rang.  Who would have guessed that right when the bell rang, someone erased my name…..typical 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Some People Have Hearts

To start off class I handed in my three essays to Mr. Schick.  Than we started the movie to learn more about the few lost boys that got a chance to come to America.  It been a year now and Panther is actually going back to Africa to see his friends and help them build a school.  He already got his bachelor’s degree from High School.  John got to see his mother and his sister for the first time in 17 years.  The look on her face could make anyone feel happy.  Because it has been a year now all the boys have already chosen their ways.  Some look like normal American, almost like gangsters.  Some choose to go somewhere in life and respect the life they have been given.  A few have chosen to have nice cars and live a normal life and some have chosen to help those back in Africa and stick with a somewhat crappy car.  That says to me that John and Panther choose a way so they can give other people the life they have now.