Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cultural Characteristics

Today for Human Geo we finished the presentations.  After we presented our projects and everyone told a little about their side or the information we went on to learn about Social Studies.  That might not make sense but were learning more Social information than we did last week or the week before that.  We started to talk about Cultural Characteristics.  First we started to talk about the three separate parts.  There is language, religion, ethnic heritage.  First we started to talk about language and how Arabic people unite with Arabic world.  Spanish people unite the Hispanic world.  After that we talked about their religion.  I really didn't get to copy any of that down but it on the site so I’ll look it up later.  Lastly we talked about Ethnic Heritage.  When the high leaders die off, the different groups fought an extremely bloody war.  Now I get to go online and study the notes Mr. Schick gave us for the quiz or test on Friday, or I think it’s on Friday.

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