Saturday, October 20, 2012

Hinduism and Judaism

Yesterday in class Mr. Schick pointed out there were a couple things wrong about the Hinduism.  The only way he knew about this was because of another class mate.  The kid’s mother actually learns Hinduism and follows their tradition.  Apparently Hinduism is very hard to learn for outsiders.  Hindus learn it easily because they always use their religion and know it by heart.  But for someone, supposedly a Christian trying to learn about Hinduism or even to convert is very tricky.  After we finished the Hinduism section we went on to learn about Judaism and how it dated back to Isaac and Abraham.  We started to talk about how Abraham was told by God to kill his son Isaac.  Just before he was going to do it, angels came down and said to stop before Abraham actually does kill his son.  Instead he saw a nearby ram stuck in the bush and killed that instead.  Then we learned that the Mecca and Medina are holy for Jewish people.

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