Monday, October 8, 2012

Columbus, Group Project

To start off the day, we all got our quizzes back and reviewed the answers for future tests.  After we looked at our quizzes and checked our work Mr. Schick told us that every day we have to do our blogs.  Even if it’s Friday, you still have until Saturday to get it in.  After that we looked at some blogs that were perfect examples for our blogs.  Mr. Schick was trying to show us how long, and how descriptive our blogs should be.  Alex Kauffman wrote about how someone had written “Mason eats small puppies”, and put it in his blog.  That comment made me laugh so hard when I saw it.  Only because he added that in his blog, made me laugh so hard.  Just the fact that something as stupid as that made it all the way to the next class and for someone to actually write about it is even better.  I kind of wonder in other people put that into their blogs too.  After we stopped laughing about the comment we were assigned groups of three and each given a topic.   The group I was in was about Columbus.  My question was simple; it was “how did they get there”.  Because it was a simple question I got multiple things out of it.  I believe my group finished before the bell rang, or at least I hope so.

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