Monday, December 10, 2012

Kohe, My New Japanese Friend

Today was fun but even better because I finally got a shadow.  No, not because of my grades but because of how my schedule is made.  So when I first met him, he was shy, then again why wouldn't he be.  His name is Kohe.  He seems like an amazing dude, I just need to use Google translate more.  I didn't really think of that today but tomorrow i'll use it on my phone and computer to get to know him a little better.  At the end of the day he gave me an awesome pen, a little pocket calculator and a high-tech book mark.  Apparently I was one of the few that got gifts and most people only got one thing.  So when I got to Human Geo I hadn't really got to know him very well, all I knew was that His name was Kohe and he played table-tennis.  I wish I had gotten to know him a little better, because of all the gifts he got me I kind of feel bad that I hadn't gotten to learn more about him. In Human Geo today we went along with our projects.  For my group, we finally got a product but I don't really think we can get 10 slides off of it. I'll hope for the best.   

Sunday, December 9, 2012

4 Interesting Words

Capitalism- is an economic system that is based on private ownership of the means of production and the production of goods or services for profit.  Profit is how people make money.  

Communism- a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.  Classless-  

Free Enterprise- An economic system where few restrictions are placed on business activities and ownership. In this system, governments generally have minimal ownership of enterprises in the market place. This system aims for limited restrictions on and minimal government intervention.  

Free Market- An economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I Can't Remember Anything

Today in human geo we did absolutely nothing.  I don't know if we did do something important but I can't remember a thing.  Because I can't remember anything, which usually never happens I’ll go to talk about the rest of the day.  For science Mr. Perry gave us a test but it was open note.  Because it open note you're allowed to make it harder but the questions on this test were ridiculous.  Some of the stuff on that test, I've never even heard of.  Yes I read the textbook and no I didn't understand 80% of the questions.  Even the smartest kids in the class said the test was outrageously unthinkable.  Why make it open note when you don't have any notes.  I studied for the test with a week of preparation and at the end of this test I didn't have to be an ingeniousness to know I failed.  Now all I have to do is get good grades on the brain flexes.  F.Y.I I’ll make sure to take better notes on Friday. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

China and Their Cars

Today in human geo we continued on the cars in china.  We even watched over the old video.  Even though we've already seen it, we watched it for the second time. But I forgot to mention that at the beginning of the class Doori told three kids in the class about what we did yesterday.  After Doori explained what we did we talked about the Lilan.  I forgot what the car company was so I tried guessing.  We as a class refer to the owner as “Duck Face”.  This duck faced man supposedly stole from ford to use them for his own good.  3/4 of the cars in china will be American companies created in china by next year.  China has taken American companies, copied them and made everything cheaper, which makes the American store that was copied, go out of business.  This has happened several times.  For an example, China is the world’s leading steal company, when originally; Pittsburgh was the leading steal business.  Because of the business that’ how the Stealers got their name.  A strong metal that’s unbreakable to human hand.

Monday, December 3, 2012

China V.S. America

To start off class we continued to watch the video but we are now on part 3.  In part three it talked about bridges in China vs. the bridges in the U.S.  Apparently the bridges in China takes three years to dig then build.  Where in the U.S. it might take one week.  In China there is a demand in jobs so it was decided that they let them build the bridges and tunnels.  Where in America they just us c4 to blow things up.  Which I personally think is way better.  But you have to be very careful where and how much c4 they use.  If they use too much, they can destroy the tunnel.  Another big problem is the cars in China.  There are over 400 crashes every day.  Mr. Schick asked us if we wanted any chicken feet to eat.  I've eaten bull testicles before so chicken feet won't be a problem. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Story Time

Today for class we did absolutely nothing but stories   Back and forth were just stories our class mates told. The only interesting ones were the ones that Mr. Schick told.  I can't quite remember the stories at the moment but I’ll remember them later when my blog is complete.  We watched more about the sassy lady losing her job and more about the companies in China V.S. the companies in America.  I seriously doubt I'm going to get 150 words on this but I’ll give it a shot.  We watched more of the video and one of the Chinese girls were talking about how people in the U.S. have the same job but they still get paid more.  To finish up I'm going to talk about the stuff above this so I can get to 150 words.  This video has already covered four classes and still has time left.  Also i forgot to mention the first time we started to watch the has a cool beginning.  

Monday, November 26, 2012

Gerry/Jerry Sandusky

To start off our Human Geo class today we started talking about Gerry Sandusky coming to our school.  He’s going to talk to us and after he tells us what has happened every sense Jerry Sandusky got arrested for rape.  We’re supposed to think of a smart and intelligent question for Gerry.  If we actually get up to the microphone and ask a serious question we get 10 points.  Then we got into serious terms and started on a movie called “The People Republic of Capitalism Part 1”.  This video talked about how China and the U.S. are related and why they are completely different.  For one, the people in china get paid so little for back breaking work where here in the U.S. we get paid 7 dollars for the same amount of work and the same amount of time.  Even in china they are opening shops that came from America.  For an example they opened a KFC, an Ethan Allen, and a Ford company.  After talking about the shopping and how everything is overpriced in China we moved on to the earthquake.  Over 55,000 people died because of the earthquake and how most of the deaths were from kids.  Now, if you’re a Chinese couple and you are without a healthy child you can try again.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Enormous Project

Yesterday was just like any other day but it was serious. We were assigned a project that could either increase our grade or totally dominate it.  I thought that if i worked alone, i wouldn't have to struggle of going to a friends house.  Also it would all sounds like I wrote it.  Other then that, we had a new shadow and no she didn't get attacked by a shark or get arrested.  But when we asked the about the arresting part, she kinda froze up..sneaky sneaky. The things is that the project seems easy if you choose the right place but if you don't then you're dead.  A kid in my class made a good point, what if you choose two countries that were interaction even today, and what does the U.S. help with it. It was between Iran, Israel  and the U.S., i know he's probably already going to do that so i'll probably have to find something else.  

Monday, November 12, 2012

Checking The Test and Getting Side Tracked

To start off, today was just a study and review day.  We went over the quiz, which I thought I thought i did okay on, turned out to be horrible.  We answer the questions, but there was one question that got us completely side tracked.  I think it was about Hamid Karzi.  We got into studying about Cuba and how we stopped sending and buying trade from them.  We also started talking about the nukes and how this place would bomb that place, and if that place bombed there then the United States would have to get involved.  Talking about nukes got us into stories about Mr. Schick being little and the alarms going off, and no one knew if it was fake or real.  They would go to the basement and duck their heads and waited like that for several hours.  Then we got sidetracked again to take about the new movie, "Red Dawn".  I can already tell that I'm going to love that movie.  It’s got action and a lot of famous actors.  So like I said, today wasn't a fun happy day, but a least now I know more about the world.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Today for human geo was just every other regular day except we got a little surprise from Mr. Schick.  He gave us a pop quiz but I feel that i did pretty well considering that i was one of the few that aced the quiz before.  While everyone was freaking out about this new quiz I took the time to study the notes on the leaders.  I wasn't expecting there to be a part about the facts on the leaders so i had to look over that.  I know i got a few wrong by looking at my notes after the quiz but i'll find out my grade next Monday.  Who knows, maybe i'll get two rings in a row.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Just An Average Day

Today was an okay day, but not as fun as yesterday.  To start off the class we all tried switching seats, but we failed and all had to return to our original seats.  We started to work on the powerful leaders but without using the blown up beach ball.  I'm still waiting for my email from my partner to finish my old blog about the leaders and the two interesting facts about them.  Though the good thing is that, Mr. Schick said if we wanted too we could switch and go where we wanted.  I was waiting for the speech that all the teachers give when you change seats, "Sit where you will learn and not just to talk." But Mr. Schick didn't do that, he just said we could change seats tomorrow.  We didn't do that much today but I still got enough info to create my blog.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It's Opposite Day

Today was an amazing day in human geo, or at least it was for me.  Today, I got m y first 100 in the year.  It was surprising because only a few kids got in the 90's.  The weirdest part was when I of all people got a hundred.  Maybe that's why people tell you to listen and then study....after you listen.  After we handed back the quiz Mr. Schick pulled out his magic globe and we tried to play a little game.  We would answer the question and give the country name, leader and some facts about the leader, then try to find it on a beach ball globe.At first, one of the kids in the class couldn't pronounce the word to go to the bathroom. Then after he couldn't even find it on the globe.  His shadow did it in three seconds.  Then some more people went by and answered questions, then it came to me.  I got to find three places, and found 2/3 but got Maheer to help me on the third one.  I got to do the US, Vietnam, and Spain.  Then Mr. Schick asked me where the world was.  
I got a good laugh out of it.  Over all today was an amazing day.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Important People
Constitution:  Federal Republic
President: Felipe Calderon
Constitution: Communist State
President: Hu Jinto
Constitution: Federal Republic
President: Pranab Mukherjee

File:Hamid Karzai 2004-06-14.jpg

Constitution: Islamic Republic
President: Hamid Karzi

Constitution: Theocratic Republic
President: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Constitution: Parliamentary Democracy
President: Shimon Peres
File:2011 Joachim Gauck-2.jpgGermany
Constitution: Federal Republic
President:  Joachim Gauck Kingdom
Constitution: Constitutional Monarchy and Commonwealth realm
Ruler: Queen Elizabeth

File:François Hollande Journées de Nantes.jpg
Constitution: Republic

President: Francis Hollande Journees de Nantes
Constitution: Federal Republic
President: Dilma Rossef

File:Hugo ChĂĄvez crop.jpgVenezuela
Constitution: Federal Republic
President: Hugo Chavez
Saudi Arabia
Constitution: Monarchy
President: Abdula

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Review For The Quiz

Today was an amazing day in human geo.  To start off we went through all the stuff we were going to cover. We started by asking the questions we wanted on the test.  I got to ask the questions which I thought were pretty good.  I put in one hard one, but other people also added some questions were you have to actually look it up.  There was a kid who got bitten by a shark, and we named him shark boy.  After that, a girl in our class laughed so hard at some of the comments that she started to actually cry.  Mr. Schick even had to get tissues for her.  She laughed so hard that she cried three times total in the entire class.  Once she stopped crying we got back to asking questions and answering most of them.  There was one kid who kept asking Mr. Schick about River Monsters, he eventually answered him with a big no.  

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Hinduism and Judaism

Yesterday in class Mr. Schick pointed out there were a couple things wrong about the Hinduism.  The only way he knew about this was because of another class mate.  The kid’s mother actually learns Hinduism and follows their tradition.  Apparently Hinduism is very hard to learn for outsiders.  Hindus learn it easily because they always use their religion and know it by heart.  But for someone, supposedly a Christian trying to learn about Hinduism or even to convert is very tricky.  After we finished the Hinduism section we went on to learn about Judaism and how it dated back to Isaac and Abraham.  We started to talk about how Abraham was told by God to kill his son Isaac.  Just before he was going to do it, angels came down and said to stop before Abraham actually does kill his son.  Instead he saw a nearby ram stuck in the bush and killed that instead.  Then we learned that the Mecca and Medina are holy for Jewish people.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Some Notes From Last Class

To start off I’m going to fill in all the information I didn’t yesterday.  United States and Switzerland have peacefully merged multiple ethnic groups in their countries.  There is five major religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islamic.  Christianity back then used to have cults, and they were not supposed to be Christian in Rome.  The Romans persecuted almost all the Christians they saw while in Roman territory.  Saul was one of the worst of them all.  He would kill Christians just to have fun.  While Saul was riding on his horse God stuck him down and blinded the man.  He then asked, “Why do you kill so many of my people”.  Saul repented and pleaded for forgiveness.  God then granted him to see and he went and changed his name to Paul and told everyone about him experience in the desert.  After that we talked about the Buddhists and about their 4 noble beliefs.  If you follow the 4 noble beliefs you would become one with everything.  Today in class Mr. Schick got mad at Nick and the phone rang and he said, “I hope that’s you leaving”.  The funny thing was that the call actually was for Nick.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Jesus And The President

 Today for class, we saw a power point that had a ton of facts we copied down.  Even though I forgot my notebook I'm going to try to remember some notes I took while in class.  To start off, my friend asked Mr. Schick to give me information on how to get a date.  So then, Mr. Schick asked the class if any ladies wanted to go homecoming with me.  A girl across from me raised her hand as a joke.  After that we started the power point and the first we started talking about past important people.  One of the following was the President and Jesus.  We learned that the president earns 500k every year.  Mitt Romney receives over 2 Billion. After the president and some other facts we started to talk about Jesus.  Also my other notes will be on my next blog for future quizzes.  When we started to talk about Jesus and it got sidetracked into funny movie about Jesus.  Mr. Schick told us about a part in the movie with Moses coming down from the mountain with the three Blocks with the 15 commandments.  Then he drops it and said, “10 commandments”.  Hah, I thought that was hilarious.  So tomorrow I will put down my notes that I forgot and the blog for tomorrow, if we have class.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Christianity was started around 30 A.D. and founded in Palestine.  Christianity is a monotheism religion.  Of course, this holy book is called “The Bible”.  There are 2 billion+ people that are in the Christianity faith.  The central figure in Christianity is the Pope.  The USA and Brazil have the most Christian people living there currently.

The Islamic religion was founded in 632 A.D., in Mecca.  Islamic is monotheism, because they believe in one God.  There are 1.57 billion Islamic People living today.  The central figure in Islamic belief is Allah.  The main geographical concentration is in Africa and Middle East.

 Buddhism was founded in 460 B.C.  Under a Bodhi tree.  Buddhism is neither, monotheism or polytheism.  Buddhism again does not have a holy book.  There are 230 to 500 million Buddhists around the globe.  The central figure is Buddha, the fat and jolly guy you see meditating. Tibet has the most Buddhists in that area.  Hinduism was founded in 1500-500 BC.

  Hinduism was founded by an institution of Seven Sages called Saptarishis.  Hinduism is a monotheism religion.  There is only one truly main book.  That’s called the Vedas.  There are over 1 billion people in Hinduism.  Hinduism doesn’t really have a main God that they worship, it’s a cluster or different Gods doing different tasks.  There are 700 million Hinduism in the entire world.
Judaism was founded in Israel over 3500 years ago. The largest Jewish population is found in the United States and in Israel. It was founded in the land of Israel.  Today it is the smallest monotheistic religion in the world.  They have the Torah.  The total population is over 13.4 million.  Abraham, Moses, Isaac, Jacob are the ones are the central figures. In 2001, 8.3 million Jews lived in the Diaspora and 4.9 million lived in Israel. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cultural Characteristics

Today for Human Geo we finished the presentations.  After we presented our projects and everyone told a little about their side or the information we went on to learn about Social Studies.  That might not make sense but were learning more Social information than we did last week or the week before that.  We started to talk about Cultural Characteristics.  First we started to talk about the three separate parts.  There is language, religion, ethnic heritage.  First we started to talk about language and how Arabic people unite with Arabic world.  Spanish people unite the Hispanic world.  After that we talked about their religion.  I really didn't get to copy any of that down but it on the site so I’ll look it up later.  Lastly we talked about Ethnic Heritage.  When the high leaders die off, the different groups fought an extremely bloody war.  Now I get to go online and study the notes Mr. Schick gave us for the quiz or test on Friday, or I think it’s on Friday.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How Could You Mess Up That Bad

Today for Human Geo was pretty much a normal day.  When we walked in, we had to fix a little spelling for our project, so we could present it.  Even after we fixed the simple stuff, we found that the person creating the project didn't even capitalize anything.  At the begging of the sentence or even America, he just wrote it.  You could tell he didn't even look at it after he was done.  Because of him, our grades will go down too.  Next time we have project, I’ll be the one creating and editing the project.  I think we were the group who finished just in time as the bell rang.  After that Mr. Schick told us that we were going to have a test on these topics.  He also caught one kid messing around on his computer.  That’s pretty much what happened in Human Geo today.  To add some extra words I’m going to tell you (my readers) about how I get to help the STEM program later tonight for 5 hours.  On the good side I get to drive my robot.  Doing that also helps me in robotics club, only because the controls are reversed and it takes a while to get used to.       

Monday, October 8, 2012

Columbus, Group Project

To start off the day, we all got our quizzes back and reviewed the answers for future tests.  After we looked at our quizzes and checked our work Mr. Schick told us that every day we have to do our blogs.  Even if it’s Friday, you still have until Saturday to get it in.  After that we looked at some blogs that were perfect examples for our blogs.  Mr. Schick was trying to show us how long, and how descriptive our blogs should be.  Alex Kauffman wrote about how someone had written “Mason eats small puppies”, and put it in his blog.  That comment made me laugh so hard when I saw it.  Only because he added that in his blog, made me laugh so hard.  Just the fact that something as stupid as that made it all the way to the next class and for someone to actually write about it is even better.  I kind of wonder in other people put that into their blogs too.  After we stopped laughing about the comment we were assigned groups of three and each given a topic.   The group I was in was about Columbus.  My question was simple; it was “how did they get there”.  Because it was a simple question I got multiple things out of it.  I believe my group finished before the bell rang, or at least I hope so.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Again With The Posting

Today in Human Geo wasn't as active or exciting.  Today we fixed whatever needed to be fixed for the online site.  After I fixed my name and changed what we needed to change again there was one anonymous person writing messages.  Because of my luck, of course it was about me.  First it was funny, just like yesterday but after a while it really got boring.  They started off with "Mason eats babies and puppies".  After that and many more comments I would just delete whatever they said.  Even after that they still didn't get the message that I was mad.  So they continued with the comments.  Some were funny and some were old, annoying, and stupid. Every time I looked up at Mr. Schick they would post something new that I had to go and delete.  Other than that being really annoying, I learned that John, one of the lost boys wanted 6,000$ to come and speak to John Carroll.  Yes, that is a lot but he’s only doing it to support his cause and raise money for foundation.  If I could I would love to help but I have no clue how to get 6,000$. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Live Chat Stinks

Today in class we worked in a group of four to five.  We put together the sites we looked up the night before and put them on a page.  The annoying thing about this page was everyone was deleting everyone’s sites.  For me they put like “Mason Lipford, likes eating small puppies”.  Ya, that one was funny, but some of the comments were really insulting too.  After maybe a minute at most I started to get fed up with people keep deleting my name and adding things to it.  Anyone could tell most people were annoyed with what some people were doing.  After that Mr. Schick told everyone to stop deleting other people’s things and just get your own site down and write your name on it.  Even after that people still deleted my name.  So after everyone wrote all their information down and put the sites with it the bell rang.  Who would have guessed that right when the bell rang, someone erased my name…..typical 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Some People Have Hearts

To start off class I handed in my three essays to Mr. Schick.  Than we started the movie to learn more about the few lost boys that got a chance to come to America.  It been a year now and Panther is actually going back to Africa to see his friends and help them build a school.  He already got his bachelor’s degree from High School.  John got to see his mother and his sister for the first time in 17 years.  The look on her face could make anyone feel happy.  Because it has been a year now all the boys have already chosen their ways.  Some look like normal American, almost like gangsters.  Some choose to go somewhere in life and respect the life they have been given.  A few have chosen to have nice cars and live a normal life and some have chosen to help those back in Africa and stick with a somewhat crappy car.  That says to me that John and Panther choose a way so they can give other people the life they have now.    

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Lost Boys Of Sudan

Today for Human Geo, Mr. Schick wasn't even here today.  I don't think anyone knew where he was at the time.  Instead we had Mrs. Stathes for a substitute.  Even though she didn't know what we were doing she still gave us work on the video.  She made us write a few sentences about the video and about the lost boys of Sudan.  While we were working on this she went to go find Mr. Schick.  When she came back she said she has no clue where he could be, so we continued to watch the video.  At the end we started to talk about how one of the lost boys added people in my class.  I wanted to add him but I didn't exactly know how to spell his name right.  Once the bell rang and the school day ended I started to do homework.  I had just been given my old computer back and I noticed all the stuff was there.  I looked in y folder and found my three essays that were due last week.  

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Human Geo Project

To start off class we had to finish our project.  My email didn't go through because I was sending it to their JC patriot email and not their g mail email.  I really didn't even know there was a difference between the two.  So after we finished sending the email we put all the information into our project.  Then we started to present our project and right when I came to our turn we went up there and the bell rang.  Now we have to finish it the next time we have Human Geo, which i don't remember when.  


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Human Geo Project

Today for class we worked on our own little project.  We were each assigned a number 1-5 and given a group to do the project with.  Once your group was assigned we were given a country and some questions to answer.  One out of the four people in your group was to receive all the information from you group and put it together in a nice and neat paragraph.  The other three people in the group are to research and answer 4 questions each.  After you've answered the 4 questions you email them to the person who is choose to create the power point.  Then the bell rang and we changed classes.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Important facts about our world

Today in class Mr. Schick told us how he had planned this to be the most boring class we’ve ever had.  He made a little presentation on all the important facts we can use in the future.  For instance there are over 7 billion people in the world.  There are over 22 million babies born each year.  It took over 10,000 years to get the first billion and eventually it only takes 12 years for a billion people to be born.  Now because of the overload of babies, all over the world people have cut back on making themselves pretty and smelling nice.  Now it will be another 12 years sense one has already gone by to get to 8 billion people on Earth.  The life expectancy for men and women in the U.S. is 76.05 for men and 81.05 for women.  The TFR for an average women is 2.1 babies, what this means is if a women has over 2.1 the population rises and if  a women has less than 2.1 the population decreases in which some ways could be good.  The TFR in U.S. is 2.06, in Nigeria its 5.38, and last but not least Japan with the TFR of 1.39.  It’s amazing how the country that is having so many problems is having 5 babies per women.  If anything they should not be worrying about babies.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Technology of the future

Today to start of class we started talking about how most of the kids lost there blogger account but of course I didn't.  Then we started talking about future robotics and technology in the video we watched.  That took up almost all of the class just talking about what is being invented and what already has been invented.  Mr. Schick told us about a little box that can hook up to your computer and make a hologram of a computer keyboard and you could type it with any flat surface.  I already knew about this little duh icky because of a site called "This is why I'm broke".  This site has everything from nerd stuff to future technology and that little box is in that site.  After we talked about the technology we started to talk about chatting site online.  We learned that Mr. Schick went onto chat roulette, a site where all the dudes tend to do their stuff.  It's really weird what people do on there to be remembered and most of its either disgusting or just plain odd.  So that's pretty much what we did today so now I'm going to go watch a movie.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Did you know?

Today for class we finished our questions and Mr. Schick showed us a video about the world and what is has come to.  It said that all the Indian honors kids outranked all the kids in the united states.  it said every minute 53 babies were born and over 200 in china.  583 million people have made a facebook account.  There are around 50 million tweets per day.  If facebook were a country is would be a little bit smaller than china.  There is 600 tweets every second.   There is 31 billion searches in Google every single month.  The first text was in December 1995.  I could go on and on about all of the things happening in the world and most people don't even notice it.

Monday, September 10, 2012

25 questions

  1. What is the population of the United States?
2.            What are the five largest countries in the world, by population?
China, India, USA, Indonesia, Brazil
3.            What is the population of Pakistan?
4.            What kind of government does the United States have?
Constitution Based Federal Republic
5.            What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe?
6.            What is the largest country in the world by area?
7.            What country has the third greatest number of airports?
8.            What country has the greatest number of exports?
  1. What country exports more oil than any other?
Saudi Arabia
  1. What country imports more oil than any other?
  1. What country consumes more oil than any other?
  1. Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military?
  1. What is GDP?
Gross Domestic Product
  1. What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it?
European Union, $15,650,000,000,000
  1. Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita?
  1. Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent?
  1. 11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found in which continent?
  1. What other country is in the top ten?
United States
  1. Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths?
  1. Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones?
  1. What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic?
  1. What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic?
  1. What is Net Migration Rate?
The difference between the number of people entering and leaving the country during the year.
  1. Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world?
  1. What is the current population of the entire planet?
7,021,836,029 = 7 billion

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Notes on top of Notes

Today for class Mr. Schick we took notes on note taking.  After we learned you could take notes on notes, we learned a little bit about what Mr. Schick did for vacation every summer when he was a kid.  He read a story of little notes about Illinois and we had to take four notes on what he said.  Sense I’m terrible at taking notes I got zero and then I had to read it aloud and failed epicly.  After that little scene we learned about a site called SIRS.  If you need an example of a back ground of anything you can go to SIRS and find it.  It’s almost like Wikipedia, ya I said almost.  Once we learned about SIRS Mr. Schick told us this entire lesson was for fourth graders, and my notes had to be better than a fourth graders or else I’d feel pretty stupid right about now.  After class I learned about Microsoft 7 and now whenever I don’t use my computer for 1 minute this lagoon comes up with twenty fish and even though I know it will distract me I still like to show people how to set it up.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Evaluating Sites

Today for class we learned about evaluating sites.  We learned what legitimate websites look like and how to recognize them.  Mr. Schick also loves Wikipedia, which most teachers hate but today he showed us how helpful it can be.  Wikipedia can also tell you exactly where they get their information to prove they didn't just made up and put it on the site.  There was a NASA site for little kids and it had fun games on it. After that I tried out this game on my pc that was called Microsoft blackboard.  It looked like an amazing game and right when I start it, it doesn’t even work.  That was one out of three games that were on my computer.  I tried the other two and of course neither of them worked.  They’re look like they have potential until you start to play then it all just goes downhill from there.  It looked good and there are a lot of videos on how to play backboards but whenever I try to play it, it freezes and it just stops working.  

Saturday, September 1, 2012


            Today for Human Geo we learned about an interesting man named Socrates.  He would make people fight for what they truly believed in.  If you had a problem you would break it down into a serious of questions and then get the answer you need for you problem.  Socrates fought for he thought was true and had to pay the price.  Just because he didn’t worship the gods and pray to the heaven they sentenced him to death.  All Socrates had to do was say he was sorry and continue on without his beliefs but he said DEATH.  He chose to die by drinking hemlock.  It shuts down your lungs and therefore chokes you to death.  Yes it’s a horrible way to die but he fought for what he believed in and lost.  When they were deciding his death there were 220 people out of 500 that said that Socrates should give up and say that he wants to live and secretly share his wisdom.

*      ArĂȘte was the goddess of excellence, goodness and valor
*      Polis was a word used to indicate Ancient Greek city-states
*      Socrates was a gifted thinker of ancient Athens who helped lay the foundation of western philosophy
*      Socrates died for disgracing the god and believing what he thought was true
*      The Socratic method is an approach to teaching and developing critical thinking skills
*      In 508bc Democracy is introduced in Athens by Cleisthenes.  He establishes a constitution and is often called the “Father of Athenian Democracy”.  This is one of the great accomplishments of Greek culture.
*      Agora was a central spot in ancient Greek city-states and was the literal meaning “meeting place”
*      When the ancient Greeks called you and idiot was probably because you didn’t vote

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Today, for the fourth day of high school, we got four new kids in our class.  I already knew two of the four kids that joined, so that was fine with me.  In class, Mr. Schick said we were the only class that turned in all of our blogs so we got amazing donuts.  I also tried setting up my email but I have no clue what my password is for my email.  It’s supposed to be my password from school but it keeps saying that I entered a new, different password.  All four of the new kids had the same problem as me.  They didn't know where to even begin so we had to get out a piece of paper to help us.  My computer hides all of these sites to where you have to open all of these different pages to get to them.  Even when I find it and try to log in, it says that an unencrypted error in the computer has occurred.  That's about it for what we did in class today.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Third Day of High School

My third day of school has been the most interesting so far.  It feels like i'm a high school student now that I'm getting homework.  Today in Mr. Schicks' class he told us about a little essay called "A Message to Garcia".  It was written back in the late 1800s.  The story was about the women named Garcia, who went missing for quite some time.  President McKinley asked for any person who would be willing to find her. His colleague spoke of a man named Rowen.  He told president McKinley about this man and how he could find anyone with no questions asked.  Once they found this man, he set off that very night to find this women.  After a week of no response, he comes back and says that he has found her and that the message had been delivered.  Then we learned that Rowen did it with no help and no questions asked.  He did it all by himself with no help and no lead to where Garcia could have been.  After that we learned that you won't be able to get anywhere in life if you keep asking for help.  You need to do the thing you are asked, and do it without question or any help from any of your friends.  I think that this is a great lesson to learn.  Especially for someone who has just found a job and they wanted to get an even better one for the future.